Isaac LeBlanc


I was born and raised (as the youngest of six) in a Catholic family in MI. Although I was raised Catholic and had always been pretty solid in my faith, went to mass every week, holy card collection as a kid, and youth group every week, there was always something lacking.

It wasn’t until my second year of college, that I truly began my faith journey on a whole new level. Since I no longer had youth group in college I was left longing for that connection. So I turned to going to adoration.

It was in the quiet of the adoration chapel that I encountered Jesus as a person for the first time and I realized just how much Jesus truly loved me. For so long I had been looking to others to fulfill the desires of my heart, but through it all, He was the only one who was always there for me, never let me down, always listened, loved me unconditionally, and if I truly wanted to grow in my relationship with Him, I must read the Bible more. So many of the questions I had He already answered in this book.

I then served as a camp counselor with high schoolers and middle schoolers over this past summer with Damascus Mission where I grew even closer to Him and fell even deeper in love with scripture and the Blessed Sacrament. Since then, the Lord has brought so much healing to my mind and heart and continues to reveal new opportunities for me to give Him more of my heart.

Whenever I reflect on what He has done for me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude - also my favorite song by Brandon Lake. I am now involved with the campus ministry at St. John the Baptist in Ypsilanti MI. I am in my junior year studying mechanical engineering at Eastern Michigan University.

Jesus is King.


Cultivating Catholics


Matthew Leonard