Marc Puigmarti


I was raised in a home where one parent was culturally Catholic and attending Sunday Mass was a must, despite my own opinions. Like many young people, in my teen years I decided that I didn’t want anything to do with the Church and figured I’d run to God later in life. I spent those years playing music and living the party lifestyle that came with being involved in the punk rock scene. At the end of the night, this lifestyle continually left me feeling unfulfilled, empty and frustrated.

After a tough breakup, I remember entering a time of great sadness and not knowing what to do with myself. After coming back to Mass from my mom’s invitation, I prayed the first honest prayer of my life, “God, if you’re there, help me.” I didn’t receive an immediate response however I did meet a group of young people at my church weeks later who were joyful, welcoming and I found myself attracted to them.

I got involved with playing music with them and heard their stories of how God had changed their lives. My curiosity kept me coming back and one of their stories was so similar to mine and I felt a call to go to confession, which I had not done in many years. After going, I felt God’s personal love for me for the first time in my life! I learned that the Father is always waiting with open and merciful arms for me whenever I fall down, ready to help me back up and that there’s no sin He won’t forgive me for.

This powerful encounter with God, about eleven years ago changed my life for the better. I can’t imagine where I would be without His love continually leading me forward.


David Patterson


Cameron Turner