Jesse Iamarino


Hey y’all! My name is Jesse Iamarino, and I am a Junior at Franciscan University studying Theology and Catechetics. I was born and raised in the great state of Michigan near the Capital of the state, Lansing.

Faith has always been a priority in our house. We went to mass every Sunday and my parents made a point of forming good spiritual habits such as praying together before bed, meals, and on the way to school. I have gone to Catholic schools my whole life, all of which have faithfully formed me.

Growing up, I, like most kids, wanted to fit in and be popular. I started acting out at school and focusing on doing what I could to get the ‘cool’ kids to like me. After a lot of trouble and many mistakes, I found myself on the brink of a new way of living, though I never fully abandoned my faith.

At the end of my 8th grade year, the youth ministry intern came to talk to our religion class about a youth conference in Steubenville, OH. That weekend, I found myself tearing up in front of the blessed Sacrament after mass. It was a strange experience, but transformative. The rest of that weekend continued to amaze me and draw me closer to the Lord. It all culminated in the evening session on Saturday night. It was then that I encountered the Lord in a very intimate way. Despite all my sins and struggles, which the Lord was aware of, HE saw me fully, knew me fully, and loved me fully. This was the turning point in my life.

Going home from the conference meant going back to an old way of life which needed to be addressed. I started to make new friends, which proved to be much harder than expected. I got involved in the Parish youth group, cut off my old friends, and started focusing on the faith. I also began discerning going to seminary after the conference.

After becoming very involved in the youth group, my high school ministry program, and a discernment group, I reoriented my life. I still had daily struggles and had to be very intentional about my choices. After deciding to go to Franciscan University, my life changed. In my freshman year, my prayer life became consistent and fruitful, and out of my first semester came my ministry. I am not perfect, and I have a long way to go, but that is a part of what makes that journey so exciting.

Since then, I have continued to grow closer to the Lord, become more involved in ministry, and work daily to overcome the struggles of this life for the glory of God. While I am far from perfect, Jesus has used each struggle and weakness to point towards a new way of living."


Kathryn Whitaker


Manny Gonzalez